mandag den 21. januar 2013

Mental training of Scenario Training

Training in scenario should be more than just running physically through a scenario. It should also incorporate "the why we react as we do", since that will be the core of your reactions when you need to react.

Our minds work by focusing at one thing at a time, and the concept of multi tasking is just an illusion, were somebody shifts fast between tasks. What the minds strength is, is to recognize what i'ts experiencing and find a reaction that fits to it. It uses a lot of subconscious process and known reaction types, some more basic than others.

In stressed situations these sub conscious process and reactions surface and define what you'll be doing. At the same time a shift towards gross motor skills is seen, making it difficult to do fine/complex motor skills. Scanning's in the brain show a shift from using left/right part of the brain to more right sided, pushing logic and  objectivity in the background. Making the reactions more intuitive, illogical and emotional.

Depending on how the stimulis "hits", you primal reaction may differ from fight, fear or posture, linking your reaction type to the commonly know as the fight-flight-fear-(posture) theory.

All this just happening in that split second, altering your perception of reality and altering your emotional/psychological  state.

Ensuring that your Scenario training has part of it's fundamental training is ensuring that you can do what you have to in a stressed situation.

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